:: About me

33 years old, married, mother, sexually stimulating, dreamer, romantic, wannabe goddess.

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submissive reflections
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.::.:.::...::: Personal Web Log :::...::.:.::.

Don't you ever..........? Jan 8th, 2004 1:01:22 pm EST
Ladies? Don't you ever just want to be pushed over the nearest chair and fucked fast and hard? To have him growling in your ear, feeling his hard cock pumping in and out of you. His hands reaching around to squeeze your tits, biting your neck. The fast and heavy breathing. The sound of skin slapping against skin. -sigh- me too.
Mood: horny

Airport Hellos Jan 7th, 2004 8:37:22 am EST
I want to talk about those couples you see at the airports greeting one another.

I was at the airport not to long ago picking up a family member. I had arrived early so had brought a book along to keep me occupied. I should have known better. Watching people has always been a fascination of mine so I sat the book on the bench next to me and started watching the people. There were the usual business men, the pilots and stewardess'. But one couple in particular caught my attention. She was small, petite, beautiful. He was taller, older and not so good looking -shrugs- and he was standing there with who I can only assume was his mother. Anyhow the girl saw him, ran to him and jumped eagerly into his arms. Her beautiful black hair swinging silkily. He swooped her up and covered her face with kisses and held her tightly. All the while "Mom" just stood there with a smile on her face. As I stood watching, they could barely keep their hands off one another and I could only think that once they got home "Mom" was either going to not be around or they were simply going to ignore her and go to the bedroom. -wistful sigh-. I could just imagine their clothes being ripped off in hast. Her hair falling all over him as she rolled with him on the sheets. Wrapping her legs about him as he plunged into her. Just knowing it wouldn't be slow and easy love making but a good hard Ihaven'tseenyouinsolonghurryupandfuckmehardanddeep fucking.

Am I the only one that thinks about/imagine these thing when seeing couples together? Hell I do it when I see couples walking down the mall. Pretty pathetic huh? Eh keeps my brain occupied -smirkle-
Mood: envious

First post........... Jan 6th, 2004 2:43:30 pm EST
Well well, I have to admit I never thougth I would be someone that would start a "sex" blog. Although since this is my first entry I am rather hesitant to call it that. I suppose I should somewhat introduce myself. I won't be going into much detail simply because of the fact that I want to do this anonymous type thing. -grin-

I am a 33 married female with children. In fact I am pregnant now. I would like to say that is why my sex drive seems to have gone through the roof lately but eh I am always like that. I find it hard to believe that I want sex more than my husband does. It's a bit disconcerting don't you think? I do. I thought men were supposed to have this huge sex drive. Turns out that I am the one with the huge sex drive. If it weren't for my *toy* I don't know what I would do. Anyhow I suppose that is it for now. I am going to go and see if I can screw up my template a bit and add some links that I have found so very delicious.
Mood: chipper