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.::.:.::...::: My Sexual Thoughts :::...::.:.::.

My thoughts on the story..... Mar 20th, 2004 1:38:01 pm EST
First off, let me clear up... I did not write that story. It was sent to me via email. Anything I've written along those lines, is linked in the sidebar under my RSS Feed.

Anyways... I actually agreed with reggolb. I didn't think it was that great. Parts of it, just made me roll my eyes.

a tear of joy forms in my right eye

the two right fingers once again dip into your sopping pussy, swish around, get pulled out, and go to my nostrils, to inhale the delicious fumes, then into my mouth to 'paint' my tongue with your ambrosia

His talking about fucking me with his nose just made me go "what the fuck?" And I found that when he stopped, to talk about whether or not I'd gone to the washroom or now, it was a very unnessesary detail.

Every time he talked about fingering me with the use of the word "swish" it made me cringe.

I found the whole thing was just over the top and a little strange. Almost like it was written by someone who had never had sex, but was going down a list of things Cosmo said where good.

I'm not at all picky about erotic liturature, but this one just did absolutly nothing for me what so ever.
Mood: drained

avatar masterorator (March 20th, 2004)
*swish* LMAO

avatar cheatingchef (March 21st, 2004)
Yeah, I swish my mouthwash, not my fingers in pussies.
