Mar 28th, 2004 4:03:22 am EST

Taking the piss

Hiromi: I guess I'm uncomfortable in intimate moments, so when things get awkwardly intimate, I gloss it over with an attempt at humor. So Brett touches my pussy today and says, "You're kinda damp", or something like that, in his smirky kind of way. "Well, I just peed," I replied, "maybe it's urine." Brett's eyes squeeze shut as he grimaces. He said, "And you accuse ME of making gross comments??"

Brett: I interject that I am not afraid of or disgusted by urine, it was just unexpected.

Hiromi: He has this talent for saying exactly the most inappropriate thing. On purpose, of course. For example, my sister just had a baby. She's Asian and the father is white. The baby is very, very pale. I was about to drop off one night and sleepily wondered aloud, "if we had a baby, I wonder what color it'd be?" From the quiet darkness comes this voice, "He gonna be black like his daddy." Rather than being horrified, it was so wrong, on so many levels, it was hilarious. What can you say after that? I had to laugh.

Brett: That was us in bed, though, not laughter while fucking. You made the pee comment today just as you were poised over my cock, about to commence sucking.. yet you yourself get really annoyed when I start laughing while you're sucking. Remember the first time you ever licked my balls, years ago?? I think you left the room, deeply injured, after I started laughing..! Ticklish is ticklish..

Hiromi: NEVER laugh at someone while they are giving you head. Basic etiquette!

Brett: It doesn't bother me.. laughing during sex is something we seem to have gotten used to. I mean, you had an orgasm just now, right? I seem to recall someone moaning into my left ear, anyway.. Besides, you bring it on yourself by doing all these little ticklish things before you get down to serious sucking, and at other times, you don't want to let on that you're really hungry for it, so you make a joke or something.

Hiromi: Bring it on myself, eh? Today, when I was on top, I was moving my hips in a way that you had suggested some time ago might feel good. I looked into your face. "Is that something new?" you asked, eyebrows slightly raised, the right side of your mouth in a half-smirk. I KNOW that half-smirk. That's your 'taking the piss' half-smirk.

Brett: What, was I just supposed to pretend that you'd always fucked that way? Come on, it was broad daylight and you were looking right at me. You'd whined last time you'd tried that, at my suggestion, so it was just funny when you started rolling your hips that way, without saying anything, like it was your idea all along.

Hiromi: I still say it wasn't the right time for that half-smirk.

Brett: Fine, next time I'll smirk when you're facing away.

Hiromi: I can feel the smirk from behind.

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Names: Brett and Hiromi
Birthdays: Jan 1978 / Oct 1970
Country: Japan
Status: Married and pervy

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