Apr 5th, 2004 7:38:38 pm EST
I know I haven't been keeping up with the blogging and with reading other blogs too. Last week I was having some trouble, first with Blogrolling and then I couldn't get into Indecent Blogging (as some of you might hav realised from my frantic email). I'm happy that you all were supportive in your advice and not just telling me to screw everything that moves like I have been advising Ken, albeit not seriously. I'm fine. Really. I know you all have been saying to not see "M" and I'll get over it, but truthfully, I have gotten over her. But the reason that I can't just stop talking to her is not only because we love each other, but because we're each other's best friends and that's the kind of love we share. Nothing else. Really. When I think of her, I remember the good times we had, both in bed and otherwise. I think I miss the intimacy we shared mostly.
Anywho, I went out twice over this weekend. On Friday night I went to a friend's little birthday shindig and had a couple drinks of cheap scotch after having some great home-made rumpunch over dinner. I was a little tipsy, though I couldn't understand why I was feeling so hungover the next morning. But on Saturday night, I crashed another birthday party with two friends of mine who were actually invited (one of them was "S"). I actually knew most of the ppl there; they're just not my circle of friends. I made myself a couple screwdrivers (like 6) and after at first thinking that the ppl there were mostly stuck-up snobs, I realised at the end of the night (about 4 am) that some weren't half bad. I met this girl I'll just call "LA" for now who was there with her bf but he left early to go to work or something. She wasn't particularly attractive or anything but we got on well. We spoke and drank while the others played Pictionary.
Then about 2am, after most everyone had left, the rest of us -- about 7 people, 4 guys and 3 girls -- decided to go to a nearby bar. The place was half empty but the people there seemed to be enjoying themselves. And so did we. LA and I danced a little and was grinding into me and then I think she realised what she was doing and didn't do that anymore. She also held my hand a little and we sat and talked with my arm over her shoulder. "S" was there too and since we all had a few drinks she decided to drag me to a dark corner to make out. She was wearing shorts so I couldn't get up under them; too bad. Her friends realised that we were missing and decided to come looking for us and saw us making out. They weren't surprised; they just got confirmation that we were more than "friends". All in all, a good weekend.