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Advice on Jun 6th, 2004 4:32:58 pm EST
I need some advice. As anybody who reads my entries knows C has been letting me use her back door lately. She told me the other day though that it makes her feel like she has to go to the bathroom. I need advice on this. The other piece of advice deal with blogging. When I talk about anal sex I almost always end up referring to it as "fucking her ass". I don't have a problem with the words fuck, pussy, cunt, clit, slit, ass, shit, whore, or dick. I just want to sound more intelligent , and erotic than "fucking her ass". I'm not trying to write to Penthouse forum. Any advice on either subject would be greatly appreciated.


ComeFlirtWithMeX June 06th, 2004
I have no advice about the anal sex..never had it, and have no desire to...don't get me started, I'll offend someone for sure as I did in Dirtyboy's blog lol I'd love to offer advice about the language you use regarding erotica..but evidently I don't know anything about that either lol re: dirtyboy's blog...check it out, you'll see what I'm talking about lol ...sooo..once again, I'm not much good am I? ;-)

ComeFlirtWithMeX June 06th, 2004
I have a link to Dirtyboy's blog..he writes really well...also Frozen Desire's Delicious Thoughts..she's good at writing too...especially erotica :-)

dirtyboy June 06th, 2004
At the risk of starting up this whole topic again lol... I'm British so I use the word 'arse' - it's one of those strange British dirty but fun words that are quite nice really. I personally don't use 'ass', as that's American slang.
As to advice about actually doing it, from the sound of it, it might be an idea if she actually goes to the loo first before you start, and take it easy with her - not that I'm an expert, I've only briefly dabbled in anal sex...

s June 06th, 2004
I saw Dirtyboy's blog. I wouldn't take what was said there to heart. He was just saying not to complain about what is said in his blog. It is his space, as this is mine, and your blog is yours. If you don't like the way somebody writes there blog, don't read it. I just don't want mine to start sounding like it should start with "Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me".

dirtyboy June 06th, 2004
I'd suggest you just write from the heart, S - you're articulate and thoughtful, just bring some element of that into your erotica and it'll be fine, whatever words you use. Above all, I try to always write with passion (sexual or otherwise) - that's the key, I think...

Brett June 06th, 2004
The feeling that she's got to go when you're doing her is common and eases with experience. Maybe it has to do with how relaxed she is, but whatever the mechanism is, the key is to keep everything very easy and positive for her so she doesn't mind racking up that experience! The problem of terminology is tougher, because short of using borderline-silly words or odd euphemisms, you don't have a lot of options. We used to refer to anal sex as "buttfucking".. the faux-vulgarity was humorous. That spawned "buttfuckery" as an alternative, then it all got shortened to "bf", but the silliness of that does sort of balance out against the crudity of the other expressions. It would be nice to hear what other people say. "Anal" sounds kind of porny. "Buttsex" also gets used around here now and then, as a sort of catch-all for anything involving anyone's butt. Yesterday's Example: "Did you have some kind of buttsex in mind for later?"

ComeFlirtWithMeX June 06th, 2004
And just WHAT is wrong with American slang? :-P lol sorry, dirty, I just couldn't resist...

And S..I realize each person's blog is their space and I respect that...but if you're not supposed to give opinion's..then why the comment option?

I'm giving dirty a hard time...I think what he initially said to me really stung...I tried to make it so that what I said wasn't offensive, and yet I feel as if I failed at that miserably..and I felt like I got slapped for it. Needless to say...I'm going to try to be careful of what I say in future. Course, I realize what I just said could be construed as instigating another disagreement, which I assure was not my intention lol. So really, it's best if I just shut up.. good luck with your writing and your umm... other situation. :-)

Trish June 06th, 2004
Write the way you want to, and don't worry about it. That's my advice. Be yourself.

HonkeyKong June 06th, 2004
Well, when I was married, my ex-wife would refer to it as "backdoor love". However, once we finally got into it, it was "BUTT FUCKIN'", so I guess you could refer to it however you want. In my opinion, it all depends on your mood. wink.gif

red June 07th, 2004
heh, yes indeed, I'm curious to see what others say...

I use 'anal'...although it does sound pornish I agree. The kid usually says it in a way that somehow includes 'bum'.

s June 07th, 2004
Thanks for all the good advice. Please keep it coming.
