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Thar She Blows on Jun 7th, 2004 5:31:17 pm EST
This post isn't what you might think from the subject. Yesterday when C went clothes shopping she went with Mrs. Fucker, aka Chele. Chele wore low rise jeans with a whale tale. A whale tale for all those not in the know, I just found out last week, is when you see a thong above the waist of the pants. And for all of those curious, the thong was pink. Now don't get me wrong, C and I both think Chele is hot. But is it appropriate for a 30 something year old woman to dress like she's 20? C and I talked about it after she got back. C asked me what I thought. I told her that while I liked getting a glimpse of her thong, I also thought it unbecoming, for lack of a better word. C agreed, but told me that Chele had some self image problems. Chele told C she was picked on in high school, and didn't "bloom" until collage. So thats why she wares the "whale tale", and doesn't ware underwear when she's in a short skirt, and has even flashed her tits in a restaurant to get a free dinner. The last one happened just a few weeks ago. Thats what she told C anyway. It reminded of this guy I new in the army. He was almost 40 and still liked going to restaurants and acting like an ass to get kicked out. He thought it made him cool I guess. So I guess I'm asking if it is unbecoming of a 30 something trying to dress like an early 20 thing?


ComeFlirtWithMeX June 07th, 2004
I'm going to sound like an old fogey, well I am kinda..I'm 47...but I don't think it's becoming to anyone to show their underwear..women or men...leave a little mystery, please. Also..I don't think mature women should dress like teeny boppers, but they don't need to dress like old ladies either...tasteful dress is sexy as well as classy.

s June 07th, 2004
Ya, I've seen Chele in gym clothes and she's just as hot. I'm curious to see what other comments I get.
