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Phoebe Zillia Phrodos is my Pseudonym
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Indecent Blogging: Get Some
Lusting over what I cannot have... - Jul 14th, 2004 1:59:12 pm EST
Why do I do this to myself? It's obvious she hates my guts. So why do I want her so much? Is it the passion of anger. Is it the pursuit? Is it the fact that the lines between love and hate so blurry. Who knows.

Last night's party was fun. Much alcohol was involved. I fucked someone in the closet. That was neat. I still was drunk earlier today. I'm still cranky. Oh well. I need to cut down on the drinking.
I feel: cranky
(20) Time Travelers

bored@work - July 14th, 2004
closet sex is good-- "hmm we wont get caught in here" sex..
fun stuff
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
Very true... that, and the bedrooms/bathrooms were already full. wink.gif
bored@work - July 14th, 2004
dang!! this party was all about the banging and fucking eh?? sounds like a great time!..
the crazy part is-- "ok we are done.. now what- you go first-- no no you go-- ,,, are there any stains?? " wink.gif
avatar watchnplay - July 14th, 2004
Damn, girl! Ain't no parties like that 'round these parts!
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
If a party has no sex or alcohol, it isn't worth my time. happy.gif

Yeah, my friend Tyra fed me Jack Daniels and Brody gave me Guinness for chasers so I got myself good and saucy. I kept my sorts, stripped naked and ran off to the front yard. It was gated, so I'm pretty sure I was safe.

Tyra freaked and chased me with clothes I refused to wear. I told her that I would only go back if she would give me a good pussy licking and I hid in the bushes good pussy licking. Tyra and her friend went to find me. Her friend and I found each other and Tyra left the party when I decided to started sucking him off in front of her.

We went inside, to look for a place, but the locked rooms were occupied by people making sex noises. Tyra's friend pulled a rubber and started fucking the shit out of me. The closet door was slightly ajar, so I hope someone saw us.

Anyway, it turned out that during my drunken antics, I missed out on a fucking orgy. The main bedroom had an orgy going on.

I never did find my clothes, but the host was nice enough to give me some slightly oversized duds. After last night, I think that cutting down on the booze might not be a bad idea. I miss my dress and I'm still mad about not joining the orgy.
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
watch: That's why I love California!
bored@work - July 14th, 2004
sounds too fun!.. just cooked mahi mahi and jumbo shrimps on the grill last night--drank a great amount.- no shots-or chasers-- just laid back relaxxing drinking that turned into more and more and more.. had to be up early and about at work come 7ish.. still horny --very!
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
Mmmm.... Jumbo shrimps. I should ask Mikey to make me some.
bored@work - July 14th, 2004
yeah these things were monsterous
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
Nice! That sounds like it would hit the spot. Mikey is getting all epicurian on me. "They're not Jumbo shrimp, dahling. They're called prawns." Whatever, just make me some, cupcake, with xtra butter. happy.gif

Thank you for the unintentional lunch suggestion, bored.
bored@work - July 14th, 2004
no no--these are shrimps!! - -ive had prawns-- they werent prawns hun!
avatar dirtyboy - July 14th, 2004
sounds like a party and a half - glad you had fun wink.gif
avatar johndominant - July 14th, 2004
  When I saw the title, "Lusting over what I cannot have..." *stage wink* I thought you were writing about me!
avatar dirtyboy - July 14th, 2004
LOL!!! One of the bestest, wryest (is that a word?), funniest comments I've ever read - Top Of The Class, John!
avatar johndominant - July 14th, 2004
  *deep theatrical-type bow*
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
John and Rog: You two are hysterical. *Kisses*

Bored: You tell 'em!
avatar johndominant - July 14th, 2004
  Tension reliever. Had to be done.

  Oh, and by the way, since I've said the same thing to her more than once, I'll say it to you this time: be a little nicer to FMG. I had a short but very nice talk with Fancy this morning. Deep down inside she's a good kid.
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
John: All right... I'll try... grumble, grumble... I'm still visiting her though.
avatar johndominant - July 14th, 2004
  In that case, good luck.
avatar phoebephrodos - July 14th, 2004
I'm going to need it with her.
