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.::.:.::...::: My Sexual Thoughts :::...::.:.::.

Blast From the Recent Past Jan 19th, 2004 2:57:03 am EST
On the old blog I recently did a post about a midnight rendezvous at the motel where I work. On this blog, I recently did a post about wanting a man who can make me wet without even touching me. Well, the guy from the midnight rendezvous, happens to be a guy who can make me wet without touching me. Just thinking about him can make me horny and wet and send shivers through my pussy. I think a huge part of that is that I find him both physically and mentally sexy.

I find him fascinating to talk to, he’s smart and funny and has so much to say about so many different things. He’s very sweet also, a lot of my coworkers at the time commented on how nice and polite he is. He’s horribly cute as well, not sexy, but cute. I myself go for cute so that works out quite well. And the sex…….. wow, the sex was awesome. You’ll have to read the old blog for that, it’s about 3 entries down and starts off with me talking about a ringing phone!

Anyways, you’re probably wondering where the hell I’m going with all this. My coworker just informed me via MSN messenger that Martyn is back at the hotel. Not only is he back, but he was asking my coworker who all still works there. Apparently he had a really odd look on his face when he saw my coworker, since it used to be me who worked the midnight shift.

I’ve never felt the way Martyn makes me feel before. The best word I can come up with to describe it is a crush. I hate that word and it seems so juvenile, but I can’t think of a better one. We got to know each other over the phone, he had insomnia and I was working midnights and he would call down to set a wake up call and we would wind up chatting for an hour or so. After the first call, I found myself hoping it would be him every time that a call from inside the motel came to the desk. I would think about him a lot, and the night I wound up having sex with him I was talking to Heather and Carl and we where talking about sex a lot and I made a comment about how much I wished Martyn would just phone me up and get me to go over and have sex with him. Turns out he did just that.

After we’d had sex, nothing changed, he still called down at night and we would chat. He came in a couple times to talk to me for a few minutes before he went off to work. We even had plans to hang out one day. He was supposed to call me around noon but never did. I found out from a coworker that he left a note for me at the front desk, his company sent him back to Alberta so he was sorry he hadn’t called. That was a few months ago and it was the last time I saw him.

Even after a couple months, I still think about him a fair amount. Every time there was a room booked for his company at the motel, I’d hope it would be him that was coming, but it never was. One time his coworkers told me that he was one of the guys coming back, however they wound up canceling his room because he got sent someplace else at the last minute.

This time though, he is back, he is really honest to good back. I don’t know if I will get the chance to fuck him again, but oh God I hope so. Of the guys I have fucked nobody has ever made me as wet as he did. Most times I start to get a bit dry and it gets a bit sore before things are done if it lasts too long. With him though…. It lasted longer than most, and I was the wettest I’ve ever been. I didn’t get off, but I did leave a huge wet spot on one side of the bed and left him and me both soaked in pussy juices.

Damn, I hope I get to hit that again. And if not, I hope we can at least get coffee and chat for a while.

Who knows, maybe he will give me a chance to try out my new tongue ring
Mood: ecstatic

Serenity (January 19th, 2004)
I have to say its not a crush you have on him but a sexual chemistry with him...which is much better than a crush. Here's hoping you get your wish!

Just Me (January 19th, 2004)
Crossing my fingers for you... happy.gif
