Indecent Blogging

  So that one worked... | Jan 24th, 2004 1:48:44 am

Last night, as I was making a back-up copy of the story in a word document, my wife cam over to see what I had been typing.

"What's that?" she asked.
"Oh, just something I was working on for you."
"Hmmm. What is it?"
"I don't know, you might be too scared" said I.
"What, like something will attack me in the shower?" she asked.
I laughed. "Well, as a matter of fact, it is a 'Scary shower' story:" I told her.
We talked of other things for a few minutes, then she announced that she was going to take a shower. I asked her to go ahead and read it now from my laptop.

She laughed -- thought it was funny that it was about the shower.

"So?" I prodded her, while she sat in her chair looking up at me.
She smiles, "Now I am scared to take a shower!"
"Don't worry -- I know that the shower is your safe place without kids or anyone. I won't go there."
"OK." and she goes into her shower.

15 minutes later she comes back and sits naked on my lap and gives me a very hot and wonderful kiss. 30 minutes after that, she and I are still catching our breath after some really amazing sex, you know the kind -- within 5 kisses she has me hard as a steel rod and I am pressing into her. I bite her neck gently as I enter her and she moans. During sex, a slip my hand under the small of her back as she is laying under me and starts to moan load enough to almost wake the kids (she never does that). Wow. Bam. Boom.

Did I just write out the foreplay and move past go to collect $200?

She said it was a delayed reaction story for her, much hotter than the first for her, much more her speed.

(3) Comments
Mood: indescribable

ourbedroom_him- January 24th, 2004
Wow! You better slow down on the stories or you may wind up with a physical injury! If we don't here from you at this time every night, I'm going to dial 911.

Jaded Angel- January 24th, 2004
Sounds like a good night wink.gif

Logical - January 25th, 2004
It was a fantastic night, though not nearly as good as yours Jaded or him's. :-)

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