20something male in a relationship, unsatisified, loves eating pussy, chronic masturbator, superficial |
Feb 11th, 2004 5:31:16 pm EST
The Panty-store
When my gf, "M", and I broke up two weeks ago, I distinctly heard her say that we everything would be, for the most part, the same. The sex though would be reduced to about once every two weeks or so. This week, while feeling extremely horny, I was asking her to go to my place, obviously for sex, to which she was adamant that there would be no sex. She said that she doesn't want that emotional attachment that she derives from sex with me. I find this to be extremely shitty. She knows how I feel about sex. I know how I feel about sex. I don't just want it; I need, it. Yeah, I do.
"M" is the only person who I'm actually comfortable with in bed post-coitus. You know, when you are finished and the other person's just lying there and you want them to leave now cus you have no more use for them until you're ready to have sex again? Well I actually like having her next to me. Yeah, I think it's called love. But she has a problem with me wanting more sex right after we've had it. I like to continue "playing" after we've both orgasmed and give her more orgasms but she never wants to cus she's too tired. I miss her, or rather I miss the sex with her, cus we still spend alot of time together; we just don't have sex. It's really shitty. I told "S" about my problem and although she's started seeing someone again, she says that she'll try to make time for me this weekend. This should be good.
This afternoon, "M" and I went to a mall to get some stuff and she wanted to go to what I refer to as a "panty-store" ie. a lingerie store. Where i live, it's still very taboo for men to go into such stores, much less actually purchase lingerie for women. The first (and only previous) time I went into one was around Valentine's Day last year and I was with her and a couple other friends, one of them male. It was just my luck that one of my sister's good friends was in the place buying lingerie at the same time. So I swore off those stores. But today when I was asked to go into the store, I didn't hesitate. There were no butterflies; nothing. I just went. She was the one who wanted to leave before we could browse though, because there was a man working there and she was uncomfortable with that fact. I don't understand. Women!.
Mood: confused
The masterorator: is reading other sexblogs, and getting off on them too!
Lorrie Flash (February 11th, 2004)
I used to be uncomfortable buying things like that with a male cashier ringing up the items--ESPECIALLY when ringing up tampons...But in the past few years, it doesn't bother me anymore. Actually, most times I have so much on my mind--next errand to run, what should I eat tonight?, should I blog tonight?, etc., by the time I think about the cashier looking at what I'm buying, he has already bagged it and is asking for my money.
lorrie_flash (February 11th, 2004)
OK, I get it. Leave my name in all lowercases so it's linked. |
ohboi (February 11th, 2004)
hehe - I feel you man and your woman problem. I dont understand them either and I think that is what draws males and females together. I wish I could read the ladies minds in my life and find out what is really going through there head.
-her (February 12th, 2004)
Now the best panty store shopping is when he comes in the dressing room with me to try stuff on. *That* definitely gets some looks 
Chickpea981 (February 12th, 2004)
Men don't understand women anymore than women understand men. It's a never ending "can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em" type of thing.
(February 12th, 2004)
Where could you possibly live that there is so much taboo attached to going to a panty store with a girl?? I dragged my ex into a Victoria's Secret with me once, and mid drag- I was literally dirwecting him where to go by walking ahead and pulling on his hand- I ran into my entire, check that, ENTIRE, female portion of my extended family. That was pleasant.
(February 12th, 2004)
Believe it or not, I once asked a girl driving down the street if I could go down on her and, after the laughter, she took my number and called me back about 15 minutes later. She wanted to meet at Victoria's Secret in the mall, go into the dressing room, and let me eat my fill. And even less believeable, but even more painfully true, I had run out of time and asked if I could call her back later. She never accepted the offer again.
logical (February 14th, 2004)
I don't think the lingerie store is taboo for men. I think it is more of the men making it something more than it is. What is in the store? Clothes! Oils! Lotions! Smelly stuff such as perfumes, bath salts, etc.. I'm not scared. Really. I can take it! Let me face the danger! :-) |