Indecent Blogging

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Indecent Blogging: Get Some


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Last Blog on Apr 3rd, 2004 5:36:03 pm EST
This will be my lasy Blog. The administrater of this site has informed me that i am to young and my account is to be erased.

That is no big deal grin.gif. It is actually quite okay with me. I just want to find a blogging site that is free and i can anything that i want that is all.

Thanks for everything

The Hippy

i Wrote this Tuesday Night Give me a break on Apr 2nd, 2004 8:01:33 pm EST
Howdy everyone. I am kinda confused and bored at the moment. I finally got my computer to work right so i am fairly happy. Yay for me!!!!! I deserve a fucking cookie. Maybe even some nookie. You never know.

I think that my favorite rap group would have to be Dark Lotus because i like ICP and Twiztid. They are both the shiznit. My favorite ICP song is Juggalo Homies and my favorite Twiztid song is We don't die. When i listen to those songs i become invincible, expect of course to some idiot with a gun but hey this is my blog so get off my BACK!! Just kidding.

Yesterday was my friend Honkey Kong's birthday. I am not sure how old the guy is but he is still cool even though he is still older than me.

I have noticed that not very many people has visited my website and i am rather disappointed. I was hoping that this web site would listen to the opinions and views of the teenage community but i may be wrong. You guys read S&M blogs and my homies (Honkey Kong's) gamer/geek blog. I just wish for some friggin' recognition.

For those of you who have been to this blog and read it and left comments thank you. It is because of you few but faithful people that I am still writing this blog.

I am feeling a little bit tired and perturbed right now because it is 'bout 11:00 in my time zone right now. I got to stay up this late or i will not be able to get to sleep and i do not like to sit and stare at the ceiling until i slip slowly into madness. (Cough rip off cough) Sorry i kinda got a cold.

If any of you people have never heard of the comedian Emery Emery you should go to his website and check him out. If you are a sick and demented person he is perfect for you. If you like drugs and guns and Red Neck jokes he is also the perfect person for you. I usually don't make fun of other races and i don't usually listen to comedian's who do but this guy is funny. For Ya'lls information Emery is based out of Kansas. Same with Technine.

-The Hippy

Hey! on Mar 30th, 2004 5:37:37 pm EST
I have Fixed my picture problem and ever since no one has said a thing in the comments. But i guess they would if they had something to say bout it. hahahahahaha i am a dipshit go figure.

In a few weeks i will be putting a picture of Alicia Keys on my blog. I drew it for a stupid league art contest and i figured hey why not put it on this website.

In a few weeks you all will have pencil eye candy. it is not the best but hey give me a break i am only fifteen.

I am kinda bored. Nothing is happening in this small shitty town.


The Hippy cool.gif

Sorry on Mar 30th, 2004 12:09:41 am EST
Sorry Bout the big ass picture


i need help on Mar 30th, 2004 12:08:41 am EST
I think that girls might think that i am unattractive so i need some opinions from anyone. i have a picture here for more of a visual aid

i hope that this works
if not i will eventually get one up here