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Indecent Blogging: Get Some
Interesting offer - May 28th, 2004 10:08:32 pm EST
I have had an interesting offer made by a couple I met online...

They are "fuck buddys"...Female 53 years old, Male 57 years old.

Apparently she wants to be fucked by four younger guys... He wants to watch and make a video (for their personal use) and he has asked me to be one of the four....

Now, I have been with "older" (sounds derogatory, but I don't mean it that way) women in the past.. In fact, one of my most memorable fucks was a beautiful Jamaican lady who was in her mid 40s, when I was 19. She taught me the fine art of cunnilingus, and every female lover I have had since should send that woman a card on her birthday (IMHO). I must have licked that woman's pussy for 4 hours straight while she moaned, groaned and gave advice...She was an excellent teacher.

Now, this gang bang is not going to be the magical event that I experienced in my youth, but it sounds like it could be fun...

I have to respond in the next 24 hours...The "event" is on Friday, June 4.
Mood: contemplative
(7) Comments

Life, etc. - May 25th, 2004 5:08:16 pm EST
Things have been a little better between K and I...

We even had S-E-X... Twice in two days! Wow. Not exactly a record, but an improvement for us. It was nothing too mind blowing, but is was fun and from my perspective it was a good start. Unfortunately, I don't think she will keep up that pace. It will probably be another couple of months before she even considers having sex again. I just don't understand her lack of libido. I have tried... In fact, I have tried to understand it more than she has. She is on anti-depressants and one of the common side effects is a reduced sex drive. I researched it and suggested that she speak to her doctor. Her response was "why?". Why indeed? It obviously isn't bothering her and therefore she feels no need to change. Of course, it bothers me. But, then again, why should that bother her? It is frustrating.

But, we have talked a lot and have made some progress in understanding each other and where we are currently at in our lives / relationship.

I even talked to her about the piercing I am considering...All she said was "ouch! why?" I did my best to explain through her judgemental grimace, but I don't think she heard a word I said...She never understood my nipple piercings either, but seems to have resigned herself to the fact that is my body and if I want to poke holes in it there is not much she can do. I secretly wish she liked it...But, at the end of the day, don't really care that she doesn't. So, sometime in June I will visit my favourite piercer (Rick Gilmore at Adorned in Calgary) and ask him to put a 10 gauge ring at the base of my balls...
Mood: mixed
(1) Comments

I like to tease... - May 21st, 2004 7:27:29 pm EST

Mood: flirty
(2) Comments

New Piercing - May 20th, 2004 5:17:55 pm EST
I am considering getting another piercing... I am thinking about getting a "guiche" piercing -- a piercing at the base of the scrotum. Any opinions / suggestions?

Here is a picture of what I am talking about..

Mood: curious
(3) Comments

Posting Gap - May 19th, 2004 4:11:43 pm EST
I haven't posted in a while...

Things have been super busy with work and my personal life is a complete mess -- K and I have been talking about getting a divorce.

I don't know if it is actually going to happen but just talking about it has been painful.

And, as a result I have not been in much of a mood to write anything...
Mood: depressed
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