Tangled Bed
[ female ejaculation? ] -- Mar 2nd, 2004 2:06:14 am EST
I had the most ridiculous dream over the weekend with LushGirl. I dreamed that I was getting her off manually, and our heads were at the foot of the bed. She was absurdly worked up and sweaty, and it didn't take her long to come. Usually it takes me a while to get her off that way; I'm still trying to learn to read her rhythms and adjust accordingly. When she came, she squirted all over the pillows, a good three feet away. It was an extended ordeal, and looked great from my perspective. The strange thing was, it came out like silly-string, so the pillows were covered in curvy random curls of foam.
I fear there must be something awfully wrong with my brain, but in the dream we both thought it was the greatest thing ever. LushGirl, I hope you're never aerosol powered. You're perfect the way you are.
Mood: confused
[ huh? wha? ] -- Jan 23rd, 2004 1:07:03 am EST
I'm not sure I deserve it, but thanks Indecent, for the plug! I hope to become worthy of your attention very soon, but lately my real life is sucking up my on-line time. How sad is that? I'm complaining that I have no virtual life!
No time to think, write, or even to see LushGirl for the past two weeks! That's a pretty good reason for not posting here, but I have other things to write about, so it's not a good enough excuse.
In addition to those ever elusive other things, I hope LushGirl and I can come up with some good stories to share this weekend. We're like a couple of lobster claw rubber bands stretched a mile, and our imminent collision will be so powerful that maybe some of you will be able to bask in our afterglow. I surely hope so.
[ I Promise... ] -- Jan 15th, 2004 12:33:17 am EST
I'm letting this sit for far too long. There's something I've been meaning to post in a few parts but I haven't had time yet, so until I get myself together I have to ask:
Is everyone checking out the posts of lngdngdaddy? The link is on the right so go there now, read, and be inspired! GO! NOW!!!
[ the other kind of auto-erotic ] -- Dec 24th, 2003 1:09:55 am EST
Dunno why I started doing this when I have no time for it! I should spend more time on this one, but I have to get it out while it's still somewhat fresh. I just had a delicious time with LushGirl, and I feel it's worth sharing.
I drove to pick her up, and was feeling fairly feisty as we started driving back to my place. For the most part we're innocent in the car and hold hands, or I'll rub her leg, but sometimes at night we have minor grope-fests on our road trips. A couple of times at night we've unbuttoned and unzipped our pants to allow semi-unfettered access to allow teasing until we reached a bed. Between paying attention to the road and bad angles, I've never been able to do enough for her to go beyond mild teasing, and I've always wanted to get her off on the road.
This time the need was more urgent, and even though there was still full daylight, we worked it out so that we could have our hands down each other's pants, and still manage to conceal our activities with our jackets and scarves. If someone took the time to look in and think about it, they could probably figure out what was up, but it seemed a remote chance.
Thanks to some skillful positioning on LushGirl's part, we achieved good angle and coverage so I finally felt I had a chance of being some use to her! Right off the bat I realized that her beautiful facial expressions could possibly get us into trouble, but we kept our eyes open for neighboring cars well enough to "pull it off" -- for the most part. I'm pretty sure we were busted a couple of times at red lights by guys in SUVs, which threw off our rhythm. As if the world needed another reason to hate SUVs!
The longer we drove, the closer her arc would swing to climax, and the more often she'd mention how soaked her panties were, so I decided that this simply had to be LushGirl's time to get off in the car. I kept driving, it kept getting darker, and we found more single lane roads and fewer lights to disturb us. In turn, the crests of her near-climax waves got closer together, and her ability to restrain her moaning, while adorably slight in the first place, completely disintegrated. By the time we'd been driving for an hour and fifteen minutes, LushGirl started asking to be finished off in bed. I turned toward home and really let her have it, which seemed to surprise her, but I think her surprise came more from her realization of how close she was to rocketing her pants off with a sweet surge of her inner ocean. Within a couple minutes I felt her tense up as her orgasm dropped into overdrive, and I swerved off the main road to avoid the last couple cars with us so she could ride it out in peace. Peace is noisy, people, and that's beautiful.
Happy Holidays.
Mood: happy
[ attempting to understand a brain dump ] -- Dec 14th, 2003 8:47:27 pm EST
LushGirl and I were talking the other day about the people we find attractive (aside from each other).
LushGirl makes no secret of her many media crushes, and that's cool, but she told me that while she'll notice attractive people in daily life, she can't REALLY be attracted to anyone but me, and tends to see other people in that light less and less. I may not have that wording just right, but I think I have the spirit about right.
I, on the other hand have very few media crushes, but I see people all the time in real life who could, under the right circumstances, really rev me up. For the record, I'm a perfectly normal, non-movie type, lest you think I’m calling LushGirl superficial. She is anything but.
In both cases our musings are abstract. We are fully committed to each other and we have no fear of the other wandering, but it made me feel bad for a moment that I can find other "real" people attractive, and she doesn't. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it doesn't matter.
While I can find others attractive, I can't want them the way I want LushGirl. It's not just that we know each other very well, because I have friends that I find attractive, I know them very well, but I can't want them either. Does that mean we feel the same thing but just articulate it differently? I'm not sure. I'm unable to explain this part of the equation, but there are two parts that I can.
Sex with LushGirl is super-hot, and I can't imagine anything could be better. Even if there is better sex out there, I'm way too happy to be curious to find out about it, except with LushGirl.
The other part of it is that I don't have a problem with commitment, and feel very strongly about it. I've made the well-informed choice to be with LushGirl, and there is no valid reason for me to change my mind. An achingly hot woman begging me to do the nasty, whether a stranger or a friend, could possibly make me pop wood, but I'd have no interest in going through with it because I've already made a choice and there's nothing difficult about sticking with it.
I don't understand infidelity. Anyone can fuck, there's no trick to it. It's absurd; if I'm horny, I fuck LushGirl. If she isn't around, I can fuck myself. It's a hormonal reaction, and for me to claim it's beyond my control would be a selfish, false excuse. Either I choose to fuck someone or I don't. No one can make that choice for me, and there's no alien parasite in my brain that can make me fuck the wrong person. In the end, choosing to be with LushGirl out of love is the only thing that matters, and sex is a VERY nice bonus, and a beautiful way to show affection.
There's my first real post, and it's pretty damn scattered. I really oughta get me some writin' lessons. Maybe I'm supposed to write all hot and drippy, but instead it's a disorganized, yet honest brain dump. I think I'll browse around to see what everyone else is up to. Maybe I should have done that first. Oh well.
Mood: content
[ *Yawn, smack* ] -- Dec 13th, 2003 1:34:00 am EST
LushGirl RULES. That means a lot to me, but I'll write something more interesting for the rest of you later. Now I'm going to bed.
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