Indecent Blogging

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Indecent Blogging: Get Some


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Changes! on Feb 8th, 2004 3:30:12 pm EST
So many changes!

The first thing we've done is changed the templates. We've made them a little more robust. Now, there's only one template for all your pages.

If you have an old template, you're going to have to either switch to one of the new templates, or update your existing template with the new tags.

To list your friends to your main blog page, you'll need to add this little bit of code to your template:
{mask:list}<p><a href="{url_blogs}">{name}</a></p>

The second part of the template that we've revamped is the profile. We kinda thought that going back to the Indecent Blogging site for your profile was kinda silly, so we've made it possible to use your template!

Unfortunately, due to some silly coding on our part, that requires a small template change. Again, if you're keeping your template, you'll have to add this little bit of code:

Add that somewhere near the {mask:code} in the template and you should be fine. Still having problems? Send us an email to and we'll do our best to help you.

Speaking of updated profiles, when you're logged in, click the 'Edit Profile' link and you'll see a much better profile page. Oh, and there's an 'Avatar Manager' link up there too. Feel free to add an avatar to your profile!

Any questions? Comments? Send an email to: or leave a comment here!


masterorator February 09th, 2004
What exactly are the new tags, cus I don't know PHP and for now would like to keep the template I have?

Indecent Blogging February 11th, 2004
The only new tag that most people should need is {page_body} and that will add your profile.

Don't want your profile to be viewed? Just delete the link off your site.

ichthy February 12th, 2004
hello - i got a message when uploading an avatar that said something about an error with the temporary this a problem with your end or mine? thank you very much happy.gif

indecent February 12th, 2004
ichthy - That seems to be a bug that I'll have to fix, but it's likely that the avatar is too big to upload. Try a smaller sized picture. Let me know if you're still having problems.

ichthy February 12th, 2004
hmm..i compressed it to below 10k, but it still doesn't work

ichthy February 13th, 2004
Nevermind, love. I misunderstood. I thought you could have only one image until I found that magical link at the bottom of the add blog page. Thank you for your help.

ourbedroom_him February 24th, 2004
I've had the same problem...

Message: Please contact the administrator, there was an error moving the uploaded file from the tempory directory

The size of the file is 8KB.



ourbedroom_him February 24th, 2004
And in fact, when I try to go to the Manage Files section, I get this error:

-- an error has occured --
Access denied.

This error is fatal and script execution has stopped.
Please contact [email protected] to report this problem.

click on a button in the action menu to start



Indecent February 24th, 2004
Can you try again and let me know if you're still having problems? If you are, send me an email at [email protected]

