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::: True erotic tales, I can't tell anyone else! :::

Anal Probe Adventures May 16th, 2004 10:52:27 am EST
Yesterday my wife gave me a back massage, that became a very pleasurable prostate massage.

Her hands travelled down my back to my buttocks, where she pulled apart my cheeks to expose my puckered bum hole. I had recently showered, so I was fresh and clean, and my wife decided to brave my little Forest and play with my bum for a bit.

She soon got up and grabbed our handy bottle of lube. I relaxed as she slid her fingers softly around the outside of my anus. I still find it difficult to relax, but she took her time, slowly coaxing me. She began easing the tip of her finger inside, removing it to cover it with lube before slipping it inside once again.

It is an unusual sensation to say the least. As I began to relax more she began to slowly thrust a single finger in and out of my back door. It felt considerably larger, but caused a tingling feeling in the back of my head with each thrust.

I really started to get into it. I later described the feeling as being what I imagined some of her marches up the orgasm mountain must be like - I could see the goal at the top, and the journey was pleasurable but a little frustrating.

I raised my ass into the air and she reached forward, taking my balls in her hands, and massaging them with her lubed hand. Several times I felt like I was about to come, without having an erection of any kind, which in and of itself was very odd. (notwithstanding the odd feeling of having my wife's finger sliding in and out of my ass)

I began to move my ass back and forth in rhythm with her hand thrusts. I began to feel like I was about to come one moment, only to have that feeling disappear the next.

Suddenly the feeling reached a crescendo and I moaned as my cock shot out my cum in short quick spurts. Immediately I wanted my wife to remove her finger as it suddenly felt massive and awkward inside me.

The entire journey up the mountain was much more pleasurable than the final destination, and I enjoyed my wife letting her fingers do the walking for my latest anal probe.
Mood: accomplished

BlowJob o' the Month! Feb 4th, 2004 12:04:04 pm EST
I hereby present to V the official WildVirgo "BJ O' the Month Award" (a.k.a. BJOMA! pronunced buh-Jo-mah)

Returning home from work I was surprised by V's naked image flashing from the bedroom window. I froze in my tracks and stared, urging the dark window to light up again. When the light when on again, my commute home was instantly forgotten as my eyes took in V's delectable naked body. The look on her face told me I'd better hurry up and get inside.

I ran up the stairs two at a time and was commanded to lie on the bed. V removed my belt, pulled down my pants and began to lightly slap my ass with it. She sucked my cock with a hungry ferocity that physically drained me. When I came I didn't care where my load disappeared to... I didn't care where I was. It was fantastic.

This is the BJ to beat this month!

Good Morning Sex Jan 30th, 2004 9:33:33 am EST
Awakening, I pull her close, my hands rubbing her body the length of my arms. She makes a soft noise when I nuzzle into her neck, kissing her earlobe. I begin rubbing and squeezing her ass, as my hard-on begins to knock at her back door.

When my hand makes it's way to her pussy, it is not pushed away. Boldly I continue to explore her lower lips, before pulling her legs apart. I slowly sink beneath the covers, enveloping her lips with my own, licking and sucking as she begins to regain consciousness. Her foot finds my cock and starts to rub it lovingly, encouraging me to continue my morning snack.

I must leave for work soon, she tells me to put on a condom and fuck her quickly before I must go. I climb on top of her, easing myself inside. Short thrusts begin to spread her wetness, I cup her ass and begin to push deeper.

Soon I'm slapping myself against her, our bodies clapping frantically. We are both moaning aloud when I shoot my seed into my prophylactic prison. I pull out, taking the mess with me, while V slips back to sleep.

Good Morning!

I'm late for work.

Mood: awake

Showertime Jan 25th, 2004 8:41:58 am EST
"I’m in the shower!" she shouted when I returned home. I quickly stripped off my clothes and hopped upstairs, fingers crossed. My penis knows his odds of "getting lucky" rocket skyward whenever he is showering with naked women. Every time our friend Mr. Monthly comes for a visit, the shower is the only place my penis stands a chance… of standing and delivering.

I slipped into the steam-filled bathroom, and V began to soap me up immediately. "I’m glad you’re home, you’ve arrived just in time." We quickly exchanged the highlights of our separate days. I lathered her cheeks and pulled her tight. Our chests rubbed together, and then I leaned down and kissed her neck.

When V dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth, I immediately regretted masturbating earlier at work. I’ve been so horny lately, sneaking into the bathroom to jerk off in the middle of the day, in the vain hope that I can put my mind back onto work. She sucked my flaccid penis, her sultry eyes locked on mine. She then took one of my testicles between her lips before pulling it into her mouth.

We towel off and head to the bedroom. I offer to rub lotion over her body, massaging her back and neck. I move down to her butt cheeks, spending far too much time on both of them. V tells me that while her pussy doesn’t feel up to receiving visitors yet, she is feeling playful.

I look at her brown rosebud winking at me, all scrubbed and fresh from the shower. I continue massaging those glorious cheeks, slowly pulling them back. I lick my thumb, gently placing it directly on her anus and beginning to rotate it slowly. V moans softly as I continue to tenderly massage her rear. I’ve learned the key to anal play, is slow and steady all the way.

I love V’s perineum. I love to lick and nibble it, my nose pressing against her butt hole. It’s a little sex island between the Vaginal Ocean and the Brown Canyon, where the lips end and the anus begins. I for one could be cast away on that island for life. A ball of electricity emanated from V’s perineum and shot up her spine.

V asked me to get the lube and I eagerly complied, grabbing the nearly empty bottle. We both warmed the few remaining dribbles of lube in our hands before applying it to each other’s butt holes. I used all four fingers on my left hand to work her ass-crack, running them up and down rhythmically. She gently used her index finger to probe my willing anus. She motioned for me to bring my hardening cock over to her mouth.

While she sucked me hard, I continued massaging her ass, encouraging V to wiggle a finger up my relaxed behind. I’d been fantasizing about her fucking my ass all day long (Causing my earlier trip to the executive washroom) and I was enjoying her tentative digital stimulation.

My fingers were only caressing her ass, but in my mind’s eye I had spread her cheeks wide, the better to force my cock up her ass. Her behind is always nice and tight, which can make anal sex difficult. There have been a few times, with proper extended anal foreplay and her anus filled with lube, that she has been relaxed enough for a proper ass fucking. (One that doesn’t cause V to limp the next day) I knew that fucking V’s ass tonight was a fantasy only.

Oh, I can suddenly feel another of V’s fingers back there. My right hand reaches for the back of her head, pulling her towards my rigid member. She pulled back and began licking my balls, rotating the two fingers up my anus. I let out a moan, and pushed my cock back into her face.

I started to slowly fuck her mouth, while slipping a single slick finger up her taught butt. V’s breathing grew more laboured as my cock continued to block her mouth. My thrusting grew in intensity. I reached back with my right hand encouraging V to increase her ass play.

I knew I would not be holding out for much longer, V had sucked all the available blood into my penis. The head was swollen, engorged with blood, and beginning to twitch.

I wiggled my ass, appreciating the tingling feelings that raced along my body, knowing that I was soon going to lose control. I pried my cock sloppily out of her mouth, noticing with glee the saliva running out of the corner of her mouth. I rubbed the tip of my cock, pointing it at V’s chest. She stared at me while I frantically stroked myself, anticipating the release approaching me.

I began to cry out as my orgasm overcame me, hot semen shooting out in streams across V’s chest, neck and face. I gave her chest a lick before kissing her lips in appreciation. There was come all over our pillows, I wished I hadn’t masturbated earlier, I would have re-painted the entire room!

Zero Comments
Mood: rejuvenated

No sex just GAS Jan 22nd, 2004 9:38:07 pm EST

Tonight a salesman from the "Ontario Energy Savings Corp." (OESC) came by our home for the second time. The first time was about a month ago, and when I opened the door to see a man in a jacket with energy something on it, holding a clipboard and looking vaguely official. He launched into his spiel immediately. It caught me off guard and it took a minute before I realized he was a salesman.

I asked if he was trying to sell me something, and he shook his head. "No, I’m trying to save you money." Alarms began to ring inside the old noggin’.

He kept asking to see my gas bill to confirm something, and was upset when I refused. Then I clued in he was trying to get me to sign a contract on my doorstep. I tried to politely say no thank-you, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eventually I simply said I wasn’t interested and closed the door. Once he was gone, I regretted not asking for a brochure or business card.

When he came back tonight I asked for the brochure before shutting the door. There was a lot of fine print to read through, which I’ve summarized below. While there is a chance you could possibly save some money with them, I resented their sales tactics. I may shop around for another gas supplier, but it won’t be with OESC.

OESC Pro's and Con's:

Pro: You could save some money
- If prices increase in the future past the rate you lock in at, there is a chance you could save some money
- OESC states in their pamphlet: "Customers who locked in their prices with OESC for the past 5 years have saved, on average, approximately $900 over the terms of their agreements." Which works out to about $15 a month ($900 / 5 / 12)

Con: You're rewarding their pushy sales tactics
- It's like replying to spam, it only continues because it works
- Their agreement has a lot of fine print, an entire brochures worth
- You allow them to automatically renew the agreement for successive terms unless you specifically "elect against renewal"
- OESC may change the terms and conditions of your agreement after giving you 60 days notice
- If you move, your agreement will continue to your new home at OESC's discretion
- You must agree to pay any other charges charged by Enbridge Gas
- OESC will be providing your personal information to third parties "...as may be appropriate for business purposes"
- OESC will be authorized to enter into agreements as though you had entered into them
- It doesn’t matter what the salesman says: "The customer agrees that the customer did not rely on any oral representations"
** If you terminate the agreement OESC will suffer "damages calculated as follows: 7 cents per cubic meter times the remainder of the term times the Customer’s annual gas usage in cubic meters. The customer also agrees to pay to OES any fees associated with the collection of liquidated damages…"

Everything in quotes above is directly from OESC’s brochure (OESC.EN.42)

Best advice I’ve found is from energyshop.com:

"How do I choose the best deal?
- Think about your budget, your risk tolerance and your goals.
- Decide whether you want to wait for the lowest possible price but as a result risk having a higher price, or whether you want to know exactly what you are going to pay for your gas.
- Think about, or consult expert advice, about where gas prices might go. If prices are likely to go up, then consider a fixed term contract.
- Look at the prices and incentives offered. Decide on the best deal for you, and sign up online. "

FAQs about Natural Gas

The Ministry of Consumer and Business Services Complaint form

Complaint about a gas marketer/electricity retailer

- You may cancel the agreement without penalty within 10 days by providing notice in writing either by fax or registered mail to:

Ontario Energy Savings Corp
6345 Dixie Road, Suite 200, Mississauga, ON L5T 2E6
Fax: 905-670-5111 Phone: 1-888-590-9753
www.oesc.ca [email protected]

Mood: angry