memory dump #3 - lipstick
Jan 29th, 2004 11:39:51 pm EST
Back when BH and I were first getting to know one another, one of our first dates took place in the form of an afternoon of shopping (admittedly not very romantic).
We were in a downtown mall shopping for shoes for her.
We hit quite a few stores and she was having trouble finding shoes that she likes (a problem that persists to this day).
I don't remember all the things we talked about that afternoon, but it was the usual sort of stuff...
Near the end of the day said she needed to go to the washroom. I waited for her and when she came out, she approached me and said she had a surprise for me.
Naturally, I thought it was a strange time for a surprise as she'd just bee nto the washroom, but without any hesitation she took a finger and ran it over my lips... I had no idea what she was doing until I took my next breath and I smelled something...
Her fingers had been somewhere naughty and to this day, I've been hooked on dear BH's nectar.
- him