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Sleep or sex Mar 26th, 2004 1:42:02 am EST
And yes, I chose sex. We were in bed by 11:30p, but then we started to talk about things and she complained about her chest being a little sore. Not one to ever pass up a chance to play with boobs, I find the lotion and give her a very nice massage. Which then somehow turned into 30 seconds of me kissing her pussy, then hard enough to cut diamonds and sex. We finished around 1 am. I got up at 4:30 am. And I don't regret my decision one bit.

The night before we were lying in bed and just on a whim we started to play word association. Now, I never really knew how funny it would be, but at one point Wife was laughing so hard she started crying. Being the good sport I am, I went first:

"Shoes" she said.
"Socks" was my reply.

"Pants" (her)
"Feet" (me)

"House" (her)
"Dog" (me)

"Dog" (her)
"Cat" (me)

"Sex" (her)
"Fun" (me)

"Really?" she said. She thought for a moment and then went on. Yes, there were a couple I drew a blank on, and when she said "Food" I thought of one of mom's dinners that was one of those signature meals of hers. Signature, only because we ate it 2 to 3 times a week for most of my formative years.

Then it was my turn. I went through about 10 before settling into a rhythm, and came to these:

"House" (me)
"Curtains" (she's making new one's right now)

"Car" (me)
"Van" (her)

"Sex" (me)
Silence. Then uncontrollable laughter. Side-splitting, tear forming, gut wrenching, soda-up-your-nose laughter. She just couldn't stop.

I deadpanned "Nice I could inspire that kind of response."
Still laughing, she turned to me and said, "No! Sorry!" more laughing, "I just drew a complete blank! There was nothing there and I just couldn't help but laugh."

"Oh, gee, thanks. I feel pretty good about now." Another deadpan.

I had to admit I was pretty amused to. Every time she started to come down off of her high, she turn a little and I couldn't resist the urge to chime in with another deadpan or two, stoking her back up. She begs me to stop, to be quiet for a moment, and, yep, I cracked another one.

"Now that I have worked my charm and put you in the mood, ..."

She started up again, and seriously, I thought she was going to wake the kids. Wow. So I let her be for a moment, and she finally calms down and starts to breathe normal again. "Oh, that was so good. I haven't laughed that hard in years."

Really folks! I am that good in bed!
(3) Comments

takersgurl- March 26th, 2004
Sex always beats sleep for sure.

-her- March 26th, 2004
Sounds like a wonderful night. You two really have a closeness that's fun to eavesdrop on!
Nothing like a good giggle to remove some of the stress of the day!

DitrtyTalkinGirl- March 26th, 2004
Good times. Sex and belly laughter definitely go together. We don't do it nearly enough in our society.

Another fun-in-bed word game: I say a word and you reply with a word that begins with the last letter of my word. It continues until one of us runs out of ideas, at which point the other is declared the winner.....and claims a prize which might have been agreed to beforehand *wink*

"....nice....erotic....cock.....kinky...yes....sensual.....licking....grope....enormous...." And on we go.

