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wrong size on Mar 31st, 2004 8:07:15 pm EST
so i went shopping today before an appointment and bought some new underwear, j keeps complaining mine are boring, and i also hastily bought a cool cowboy-esque shirt without trying it on. good thing i have the receipt happy.gif


Jennifer March 31st, 2004
I dont think he is going to want you to take it back, or wear it out in public for that matter lol. That is a bedroom top if I have every seen one.

Wanton Male March 31st, 2004
I dunno...that is kinda hot.

logical March 31st, 2004
hummina, .... hum.. humm... hummina.. hoo--boy, hoummmmina... WOW!

(sorry about all the drool) :-)

frozendesire April 01st, 2004
I don't know, I think it looks good like that, doesn't show too much but just enough to drive all those lads wild. You could always wear it just when out with J for safety reasons of course lol

frozendesire April 01st, 2004
oh and some of the girlies too hehe

dirtyboy April 01st, 2004
omg it's t's breasts! *roger faints yet again

frozendesire April 01st, 2004
lol someone else give him the kiss of life, I'm on strike ;0)

dirtyboy April 01st, 2004
lol - don't think I haven't noticed! I'm just skulking in the corner, grumpily (grump grump)

j April 01st, 2004
I'll give him the kiss of life! wink.gif

mmmm - boobies.

dirtyboy April 01st, 2004
Look out - J's drunk again! lol

frozendesire April 01st, 2004
woohooo now don't make promises like that because I'll take you up on it LOL

dirtyboy April 01st, 2004
you'd better pucker up, J, she wants to watch lol (I hope he doen't have too much stubble...)

Jim April 01st, 2004
Looks like a perfect to me. :-)

Jim April 01st, 2004
Looks like a perfect to me. :-)

Jim April 01st, 2004
Looks like a perfect to me. :-)

j April 02nd, 2004
I think Jim's the drunk one.

and yikes! I'm kissing dirtyboy now?

frozendesire April 02nd, 2004
lol I should be so lucky...

dirtyboy April 02nd, 2004
Don't look at me J, it was your idea lol
Do you want to be on top or shall I?

j April 02nd, 2004
I don't know how to answer that.


frozendesire April 02nd, 2004
lol I think T should decide

dirtyboy April 02nd, 2004
well, I'm not gonna throw myself at the poor guy - he started it lol

frozendesire April 02nd, 2004
I'll just sit in the corner quietly with T and ummm ;0)

anthony_k April 02nd, 2004
Hmmmm....looks like a winner to me....maybe a bit more cleavage showing would make it perfect. Ever tried a push-up bra???

Otherwise, not particularly bad at all...and very, very hot.



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