Scarlet Diaries
Sexy Magick Desires

Did I enter the twilight zone? Jan 24th, 2004 8:11:27 pm EST
And last night, as she was climbing into bed, all I said to her was "I really want to go down on you."
"So what's stopping you?" was her reply.
Huh? Did I just miss something? It is amazing what the human brain can accomplish in a half second when properly motivated. For instance, I now know it is possible to consider, in that brief moment, if hell had indeed frozen over, that some benevolent alien race had abducted my wife and replaced her with some bizarre sex-craving woman (no offense to you bizarre sex-craving women, us men love you all), while simultaneaously calculating how fast is it appropriate to rip whatever she is wearing off of her body.
A full second after she had said those precious little words, I heard her laughing happily as I was helping her pull her pajamas off and sliding between her legs. It was mere moments later that I was inhaling that which is uniquely her and more beautiful to me than any rose. It was no more than five minutes later that I heard her begging me to kiss her and make love to her.
And my mind was still trying to grasp what was going on.
45 minutes later we are still in the throws of passion, her on top at times with my hands all over her body, and me on top with her hands on me. Somewhere in there she (being a mostly quiet lover) surprised me yet again by telling me she just had her longest orgasm ever. When we stop, we spend the rest of the night cuddled together. Then reality sunk in when our youngest had a scary dream and wanted to sleep in our bed.
I still have no idea what is going on. Wow.
Uh, thanks for the offer of dialing 911, but that's ok -- I can think of worse ways to go.
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Mood: giddy