I had some extra time on my hands at work (read: I have a boring job) and I spent some time reading my old email from T. I'm too much of a romantic.
It's nice to go back and read that kinda stuff - you remember why and how you fell in love. I remember most of the circumstances of our conversations. They're goofy, they're sexy and they're about our desire to be together. It will be nice to grow old together, and when that day comes when we have vanity license plates with each other's initials on them, and have that record to look back at and be goofy and mushy and romantic.
Bacchus has a great post today about touching. I love touching T. I love putting my arm around her and rubbing her back. I love pinching her bum as she walks by. I love stealing kisses when she's doing something and doesn't want to be interrupted. Yeah - the touching is good.
1 Comment
t January 30th, 2004
shhh, don't tell, i fixed it. those of you who were reading this post earlier will know what i mean