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dear ikea on Jan 31st, 2004 8:01:30 pm EST
while i really like the appearance and price of your merchandise i have a complaint about my bed frame. it's quite nice and made of wood and put together with the usual mysterious ikea tools and pictorial instructions. there's one problem though, it doesn't seem to be able to stand up to normal wear and tear. in the months since we set the frame up it has become significantly more unsturdy. now when i'm being pounded into, in any position really, it creaks and wobbles and we sometimes fear it will break. while the headboard seems able to still stand up to having hands tied to it, it too creaks and sounds as though it's about to break. is there a specific frame you would recommend for raunchy monkey loving?


Arched_stem. January 31st, 2004
Avoid ikea.

Unboring /= rauncy monkey loving

I have an old mahogany waterbed frame with four posts that come to rounded balls; as if it's MADE to be tough and rope-friendly. It's perfectly ideal and comfier than anything else I've ever slept on. It's filled with a custom foam mattress, not the waterbed part.

possum_kingdom January 31st, 2004
Get a nice, sturdy WOOD frame. Even if it costs more money at first, it's the only way to go!

Just Me January 31st, 2004
I love Ikea, but do agree that their furniture does not seem sturdy enough for many many fun sessions... alas... go get yourself a nice sturdy romp place! happy.gif

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