my need for j continued today and kinda snuck up on me. we were lying on the couch watching tv, at opposite ends, when j climbed over, laid between my legs and was kissing me. when he sat up to talk to me, i reached over and pulled the front of his pyjama bottoms down and just looked at his cock. he faltered in what he was saying, i smiled and started running a finger up and down the soft skin, watching for what would happen. i wanted to watch him get hard. he gave me that 'what the heck are you doing?' sort of look. i smiled. he got harder and harder. i pulled the elastic band on his pants out and back up over his cock and smiled. he promptly reached under me, pulled my jammie bottoms right off, pulled his back down and thrust into me. it was really nice. our poor squeaky pathetic little futon pseudo couch nearly fell apart. especially when i had his sit up and i straddled him using the back rest part to get leverage to ride him.
isn't sudden spontaneous earth shattering sex just the best?!
1 Comment
Logical February 01st, 2004
Yes -- I think the sudden, spur of the moment, make love whenever you want to is the best kind.