so i'm off this week, yipee! and j decided to stay home today so he called in sick. so of course last night we stayed up way later than normal watching downloaded stuffs
we got into bed at about midnight, j was all goofy and cute and climbed up to kiss me from the bottom of the blankets, sneaking up across my body like a little snake. it was cute. he emerged at the top of the blankets with a big goofy smile on his face and gave me a kiss.
i thought he already had a raging hard on and reach down to touch it, but he was just dangling and hitting my leg. so i started stroking him, holding him back with my hand as he thrust and letting only the very tip of his cock dip into me each time. isn't it delicious when it first slides in all the way? it always makes me gasp a bit, which i did after a few minutes of putting it off and teasing ourselves.
we enjoyed him on top for a while and i told j to lay down after a bit. then i got greedy and rode him all selfishly, at one point he grabbed my hips and ordered me to stop, avoiding an end to our fun. i started again, making sure to break the rhythm just a bit so he wouldn't cum without me, and driving myself crazy as well. when i did cum he was seconds behind me and we flopped happily together.
somehow i was still hungry, i had a nice big orgasm but wanted more. j asked for the bunny and when i handed it to him he started rubbing his cock with it. i sat back to enjoy the view but felt left out. i slid up and started licking his balls ever so gently, lapping them really. i felt like a cute little kitten tickling him with my tongue. his moans and noises didn't sound like i was tickling him, but they sounded good! i kept playing like that and soon he was hard again and i climbed back on and we enjoyed an encore. then we were really ready for sleep and passed out all happy and wrapped up in each other.
1 Comment
watchnplay June 29th, 2004
We were right there with you! Except our time was this morning. My post will be up shortly!