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Ezekial Saw The Wheel, This Is The Wheel He Said He Saw
Another week and another whole new set of adventures. on Jan 24th, 2004 12:59:00 am
I am so glad that this week is over. Not that I am looking forward to next week.

This week was pretty much devoted to everyone and "everything" being sick. Everyone in the house has had the SARS virus or some shit like that for the last two weeks. At least that is what it seemed. We all ended up going to see the doctors who said that we all just have the common cold. At least it was good news. Better than having your big toe cut off again.

As for the "everything" being sick part, Our car, which is our only transportation decided it wouldn't start last weekend. I spent most of Monday trying to figure out what was wrong with it. I finally decided that I had put enough time into it and thrown the only parts that made sense at it and called the dealer. Appointment Friday.

This is where it gets interesting. for the last six days I have been working on a design project to produce a web portal for a community group and just trying to keep my other web logs updated. I have been up until 4 am (at least) for all six of those days. Friday rolls around and I have to be at the doctor by 8:00 am and the dealer by 9:00 am.

Made it to the dealer 45 minutes late but they got it right in for me. an hour later the guy comes out and hands me the keys and tells me that he replaced a cracked spark plug wire under warranty. Thank the gods because I was expecting a bill that would require leasing out my first born. He then told me that the replacement computer module to fix the cold starting problem would be here in a week and they would call me to have it installed under warranty. I am thinking at this time "could my day get any better?" I asked him about replacing the timing belt since it will be due for replacement soon. He said he could do it for $150.00 less than they want at the dealer in Minneapolis.

So all in all my week could have gone better but it ended up working out pretty well. Next week looks like a problem though. The weather forecast is calling for up to ten inches of snow on Saturday and lows in the negative 20's by mid week. I don't mind the cold so much as a rule but the wind up here makes things really crappy. I am actually amazed about how much people around here bitch about the weather.

I had a real interesting chat with my doctor and was rather surprised that we share a fondness for putting on the long underwear, parka, gloves and mukluks and going out walking when it is really freaking cold and the weather is keeping everyone else inside. Hell all I need is a good team of dogs and a sled and I would be all set.

Well, That's the local news and weather report.

You should now go read my other web logJABLOB: Just Another Babe Log Only Better I added a few daily babe links today. some good stuff. I also posted a review about Indecent Blogging there. Actually Jeff did most of the review so most of the credit goes to him.

OK, now go away
Mood: artistic
Copyright © 2003 bill