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Indecent Blogging

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Ezekial Saw The Wheel, This Is The Wheel He Said He Saw
It's been a week... on Feb 11th, 2004 2:54:29 am EST
and a half since I last posted here.


The story is just two way too fucking twisted to tell. In case anyone ever wondered. When they ask you "Are you suicidal or do you want to bring harm to anyone?" don't act like a smart ass and pipe up with "yes to both options". The following two days will become the most fucked up shit you could imagine.

That being said, I am now four days behind on work that should already be done plus four days of work that came in while I was away. And people wonder why I would wish them away if I could. Careful what you wish for I guess.

Here some search terms that people have surfed onto my babe log with. I don't know what anyone would be looking for using nude girls fucking sites introduced with in last 15 minutes but hits are hits. A couple of folks were looking for Blogging Indecent and quite a few found playmate pictorials

You'll have to search them yourself. the first two are Google and the third fromComCast

Mood: Tired but happy

Janet Jacksons on Feb 2nd, 2004 2:58:19 pm EST

Sorry I missed that last night.

Go patriots!!!

I'm done.
Mood: Happy lala
Another week goes by and on Feb 1st, 2004 5:23:20 pm EST
this is only my fourth or fifth blog entry using this nifty blogging interface. I have tried quite a few others and made nice pages and sites. Some that I maintain some that just hang out somewhere in cyberspace and some that I just outright deleted because they were a big pain in the ass to work with. Anyway, on with todays saga.

When I first started this three weeks ago I asked myself "Self, what the fuck do I need another weblog for? You don't use half of the ones you have anyway." and self said "You are right. you don't need another blogging tool tool to use. From a global security standpoint, you administer way more information technology than you probably should "

So I asked myself "Self, What would I do with such a blogging tool if I had one?" The response I got was a bit more terse than I can print on the internet. I don't think I would even post the answer in my private files areas, So.... I really didn't have a clue what to put here.

So I was surfing Indecent Blogging and came across Johnny Rotten. Who is posting nice pictures of naked women with his blogging interface. I tried to use the file upload area earlier last week so that I could post some pictures but kept running into errors and so, I gave up. So anyway, I decided to go see what Johnny rotten had to say in his Good Morning post. And lo and behold, IMAGES.

OK, So I go in over to the ol' Indecent Blogging control panel and try to create new directories and upload images through the virtual terminal interface. And it didn't work. I played with it for a while and finally gave up.

Now here I am again consuming a late lunch of a Clausen Kosher Dill Pickle and Swanson compressed chicken meat sticks with ketchup and a coke. Which BTW tastes much better in Canada. Canada also has much better drugs (and drug laws) than we do down here. I should move to canad after the apocalypse.

So I tried the image upload thing and apparently I now have images located on the file server whoserwhatsit. and I am ready to make a test post with an image.

But wait! I write the "a href" and the "img src" code stuff and post the blog and .....NO IMAGE! So I go back and look at the file path, and I change it and I go back and change it again and la da dada, dadada, NO IMAGE!!! Fuck! What sort of fucked up shit is this.

So I wondered back over to use the force and see what the image paths looked like in Johnny Rottens page and lo and behold you have to use the absolute HTTP path kinda thing to the file. So I went back and typed in the http://www.indecentblogging/files/username/directoryname/imagefile.nameaddress and BAM!! right here on this page appeared the image of a woman in a leather teddy, stockings and high heals. BAM! Just like that.

Addendum: and then later on in the day, BAM!! Indecent comes by and leaves a comment telling me that I should RTFM after which I figured out that I had no clue about the path thing because I should have been using bbcode instead of standard HTML for some of the stuff here.

So here I have spent half the day tring to figure out how to post an image to my indecent blog and all I can think of is, "So one day, I was at band camp, and I stuck a flute in my pussy." Is that not some really fucked up shit or or what.

So, Here, finally, is the image of the babe in the leather teddy and stockings and high heals and if you click on the picture you will see more of her. and if you click on the link at the bottom? You will see all kinds of fucked up shit.

And you will be lead to enlightenment
on the wonders of jello and peanut butter spun in a blender,
why it is better,
and why it's not just for breakfast anymore.

Mood: entangled
I got ten inches in my on Jan 27th, 2004 3:21:28 am EST
Front yard. Yep Sunday I was bitching cause I HAD to plow the driveway and the driveway mower was being uppity. well my Monday was a bit better. I spent most of the day shoveling the driveway. I used the snow blower some but it finally conked out. Anyone want a used snow blower that doesn't run? If you can haul it, you can have it.

I might try to fix it. I will probably have to send it to the small engine repair facility for an A maintenance that I can't afford right now. I just hope that the snow giants will go easy on the snowfall amount if I have to hand shovel it.

All in all the last couple of days have been OK. They ended well, I got the best blow job of my entire life last night and I have a promise for another one tonight.

When I recover from all of the activity I'll try my hand at writing some porn involving oil and toys and sex and stuff like that.

Until then
Expand your mind

Mood: accomplished
It's Snowing on Jan 25th, 2004 2:25:13 pm EST
Just ranting

Rant = ON

Fuck all it snowed today 7 inches today with the probability of 10 more by tomorrow night. I don't usually worry about the weather in fact I love it, all of it. But now I need to go plow the fucking driveway cause we have people coming over. If it were just me I would say fuck it and let 'em park on the fucking street but we have elderly folks coming over that can't trek through the snow.

To top it off the fucking snowblower doesn't want to straighten up and fly right, so I will probably have to shovel it by hand. GOD DAMMIT TO HELL.

I normally don't mind shoveling by hand, in fact I prefer it since it is heart healthy but now I have 3000 cubic feet of snow of which, all of it I have to remove from my driveway in five hours and we are supposed to get up to ten more inches in the next twenty four hours. So I get to go plow the driveway just so I can plow it again tomorrow.

I am thinking about plowing with the snowblower at 2 am just so I don't have as much to hand shovel in tomorrow morning. Wouldn't that just piss off the our stuck up rich bitch neighbors. Fuckers.


Go Away
Mood: aggravated
Copyright © 2003 bill