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Ezekial Saw The Wheel, This Is The Wheel He Said He Saw
Just ranting
Rant = ON Fuck all it snowed today 7 inches today with the probability of 10 more by tomorrow night. I don't usually worry about the weather in fact I love it, all of it. But now I need to go plow the fucking driveway cause we have people coming over. If it were just me I would say fuck it and let 'em park on the fucking street but we have elderly folks coming over that can't trek through the snow. To top it off the fucking snowblower doesn't want to straighten up and fly right, so I will probably have to shovel it by hand. GOD DAMMIT TO HELL. I normally don't mind shoveling by hand, in fact I prefer it since it is heart healthy but now I have 3000 cubic feet of snow of which, all of it I have to remove from my driveway in five hours and we are supposed to get up to ten more inches in the next twenty four hours. So I get to go plow the driveway just so I can plow it again tomorrow. I am thinking about plowing with the snowblower at 2 am just so I don't have as much to hand shovel in tomorrow morning. Wouldn't that just piss off the our stuck up rich bitch neighbors. Fuckers. FUCK FUCK FUCK Go Away Mood: aggravated 0 Comments |