Sexy Magick Desires 
[ show me that you care df... ]
Apr 2nd, 2004 4:03:10 am EST
df - when i asked you what was going on with you and we're we ok, you answered by saying you missed working with me and hoped i got a job where we could work together again that sounded so much like we were just work friends and nothing more. I don't have sex with just work friends. I have sex with friends, i have sex with people i trust and people who don't lie to me. I have sex with people who don't bail out on me when things get too rough to deal with or too inconvenient to see. I told you when you lied to me it was over...i feel like you've been lying to me this whole time. I thought you were different, you told me that you shared things about yourself that you don't share with other people and I believed you. Other people told me you were the kind of person that would be a true friend, i guess you've got them fooled too. I'll miss the great sex and the friendship I thought we had(which i guess was all in my head). I'll miss you licking my ass and i'll miss giving you blowjobs but i realized there are more things i like about sex from you..thanks for that. I trusted you completely and I was screwed.
The thing is I don't think you realize that i can be a great friend, someone that listens to you, someone that cares about you, someone that would have been there when she finally does leave you.
and if i'm reading you completely wrong df, then maybe its time you showed me you actually care, maybe its time for you to treat your friend and lover with a little more thought than a throw away doll.
because I'm more than that. I am a smart, attractive, intelligent woman who happened to believe in the wrong guy. Prove to me that I'm wrong about you, df.
Show me that you care! just talk to me! because honestly I don't want to lose you as a friend or a lover but I feel like I've pretty much already lost you the day i was laid off (a two for one deal - lose my job, lose my lover which hurts)
Mood: tired and very hurt...and just plain sad
sexymagickdesires - April 03rd, 2004
you know what sucks about this..i still want you - df..i still want you to lick my ass, kiss my back and i still want to feel your hard cock in my pussy..
Blogs I Read
naughty secrets
naughty little housewife
cumwhore's diary
Suburban Sex Blog
